Hillary, will you please listen to this one?

Phillip T Stephens
2 min readNov 5, 2016

Will someone send this to someone in her campaign who has her ear?

Take four million and throw together this ad with stock photos to run Sunday. Everywhere. Just to get Trump to blow up and lose that cool to tweet like shit at 3am Monday morning in time for the news cycle:

Narrator: Donald Trump spent millions to run ads telling you Hillary Clinton is already under indictment. Based on what? Word of mouth to Rudy Juliani from a former FBI guy that knows an FBI guy that knows an FBI guy close to one of the guys scanning the documents.

(Picture of Rudy in a bar with a drunk Fed)

The facts are it will be months before it turns out we’ve seen those documents before and they cleared her that time too.

(clip of Comey saying “We found no reason to press charges.”)

(clip of Politifact rating Trump biggest liar ever, with pants on fire.)

What he doesn’t tell you is that charges have already been filed against him for rape:

(pic of headline)

For fraud in Trump University

Trump has already been fined for illegal campaign contributions and still faces a criminal investigation for his foundation.

More than 3,500 liens, lawsuits, judgments and government filings over the last three decades for failing to pay the bills of ordinary Americans who worked for him.

Ordinary Americans like you.

Who’s the trustworthy candidate now?


