The White House Log

Accounts of Presidential Enterprise, however dubious

Phillip T Stephens


Lost the labyrinth of allegations and investigations into the Fake Press and its vicious attack on the President? Sort through the mess with this journal of reports. I’m working to include every article posted while reporting on the White House for Medium publications.

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(I loved the Statue of Liberty Post. Too bad no one else did. Maybe you should give it a second look.)

Women’s Wrongs:

Women have proved how little they can be trusted with the government, men’s safety, or keeping their mouths shut. Headlines include:

Women show their support at a Drumpf rally.
Drumpf and his female Cabinet members (as he sees them).

One More Lawsuit in the Making

The more the accusations of sexual impropriety, the more Drumpf claims men are victims. And GOP women think, “I’d never want my son to suffer like the President.” #MeTooed

Drumpf’s penis roams freely on his desk after scaling the leg of an assistant. (Gage Skidmore)

Then There’s the Criminal Investigation

Opponents call it RussiaGate. Drumpf calls it a witch hunt. Vladimir Putin says, “Small thing really. And I’m not referring to his penis like the women do.”

The Gun Bonanza

The NRA’s had a field day since Drumpf took office. More shootings mean more people to arm, including teachers, ministers, health care workers, and even kids.

Foreign Policy

Maintaining Free, or, at Least, Discount Elections

The Military

The Environment, or What’s Left of It

(Air So Clean You Can Cut It With a Knife)

A Complacent (and Complicit) Congress

Defending a Free Fake Press

Getting That Old Time Religion

Genius Is As Ingnorance Does

Personal Stories: Behind the Scenes

Who Needs a Holiday?

All other celebrations pale next to the Celebration of Him

And Then There’s All Those Tweets

More Stories

Drumpf Designs New GM Model

“GM’s shit cars don’t sell, but mine will” (12/16/18)

Drumpf reveals 2020 campaign motto

Base approves one hundred and twenty percent (12/10/18)

Jared Creeps the Khashoggi Investigation

Did it to take the pressure off Drumpf (11/19/18)

New Rules of Decorum

White House draws line in sand for reporters (11/17/18)

Drumpf Underestimates Acosta

Unfettered Acosta wreaks havoc on Drumpf communications. (11/16/18)

Drumpf Sits Out Parade

On his ass in the luxury of his limo (11/14/18)

Furious George

The cautionary tale that inspired the classic. (11/12/18)

Drumpf Respects Troops With Absence

Shows his respect from comfort of hotel (11/10/18)

T-Rump Destroys DC

Drumpf’s metamorphosis baffles scientists (11/8/18)

Drumpf Busted for Multiple Votes

Claims he voted 65 times to combat fraud (Election Day, 2018)

Drumpf Promises “Best Breaks Ever”

“So many breaks we’ll be giving tax money to you.” (11/4/18)

Drumpf Ends Birth Right Citizenship

Now the only citizens are immigrants who passed a test (11/3/18)

Melania smiles as ICE removes her husband and in-laws following Drumpf’s terminating birth right citizenship

Trump Organization Buys Oxy Clinics

White House denies connection to recent voter data (11/3/18)

Drumpf Class Project Uncovered

Scholars say it shows how business skills improved (10/30/18)

Drumpf Calls for Civility

Condemns media and Democrats for bombings (10/24/18)

Drumpf reclassifies declassified papers

Documents dig a deeper hole than he expected (10/21/18)

Choke Holds Are Great Truth Tools

Drumpf proves the hold harmless, hospitalizes Haberman (10/21/18)

Saudi Scandal Rocks White House

“We intend to clear this up so we can try it” (10/18/18)

Acosta‘s’ mysterious invitation to the US Embassy sounded suspiciously like the Saudi invitation to Khashoggi.

I Told You She Was Pocohontas

Drumpf’s no welcher. He’s Native American Too. (10/15/18)

Melania Bullied by World

“No other woman deserves the pity I deserve.” (10/14/18)

Facts Do Develop Over Time

World-renowned physicist supports Drumpf claims.(10/13/18)

CERN physicist HD Upassé explains the Truth Atom at today’s symposium for “The New World Disorder.”

Drumpf Invites Kanye to Tour

Trap Door Tour sells out to white crowds. (10/23/18)

A Great Hurricane Wall

“We’ll deport Michael and Mexico will pay.” (10/9/18)

Drumpf Celebrates Columbus

“We need to move all these people out.” (10/8/18)

Drumpf Finds Original Constitution

All male, octogenarian band of Senators shouts at women. (10/7/18)

Upstairs, Upstairs and Penthouse

“Self-Made” Drumpf self-made with taxpayer dollars. (10/2/18)

Drumpf Secures Election With Treaty

“Forget Kavanaugh. We win, other countries lose.” (10/2/18)

White House Illustration showing how USmcA will work. $ to US, FU to mc.

Drumpf Launches New Press Strategy

US on permanent hurricane alert; he gets 10s. (9/29/18)

The White House's new hurricane map, with the official names for impending stoms.
The White House’s new hurricane map, with the official names for impending stoms.

Divine Slap Down Interrupts UN

God tells Drumpf, “stop being an ass.” (9/26/18)

Cosby Gets Jail Time

Drumpf says sentence clears path for Kavanaugh. (9/26/18)

Drumpf Opens Wall Franchise

Worldwide distribution of most successful idea ever. (9/21)

Drumpf Visits Ground Zero

Shows his commitment to save nation from hurricane sequel (9/17)

Drumpf Disputes Maria Stats

Blames the Democrats who control the statistics. (9/13)

Drumpf Calls End to Catastrophe

”We’re so on top of Maria, that baby’s gone” (9/12)

Evacuate? We’re No Fools.

North Carolinians stand their ground against Florence. (9/11)

Drumpf Discovers Kant

Misinterprets the message and crashes nation on rocky shores (9/3)

Feds Replace Paychecks With Peanuts

White House needs money to pay for parade. (9/1)

Welcome to the Monkey House

Drumpf doubles down on DeSantis’ racial slurs (8/31)

Google’s Out to Get Me

Fake search engine serves up fake news to fake out voters. (8/30)

POTUS Plot Twist Revealed

Drumpf was elected on the Bizarro World (8/28)

Drumpf hates questions, fakes call

Pre-planned call with Nieto to avoid McCain questions (8/28)

McCain Clone Thwarts Drumpf’s plans

Legal Status won’t be resolved until 2027 (8/27)

Barron’s Tweets Spark “Be Best” Campaign

Drumpf proud his son “won’t be a pussy.” (8/25)

Huck Huckabee must endure the indignity of a black eye from Barron Trump, and Barron’s Tweet blaming him.

Where’s Michael?

Game to locate missing Drumpf attorney goes viral (8/23)

UN Revokes Drumpf’s Security Clearance

37 Nations follow suit after Tweeted revelations (8/18)

Franklin Tribute Brings Drumpf to Tears

But only the parts about him (8/16)

The ghost of Aretha desperately begs someone to some Drumpf’s tribute to her before he uses her to insult every black person in America.

Bad Tweets. Bad, Angry Tweets

White House: “This is not an iPhone game.”(8/13)

No Admittance for Drumpf

Pantheon of Deities slams door in applicant’s face. (8/11)

US Steel = Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Virtual plants will put America back on track. (8/10)

The new US Steel plant in Pennsylvania. It’s virtual status keeps it from fully revealing itself.

Sanders’ Personal Holocaust

Harassment “makes concentration camps look like summer fun” (8/9)

Bad Queen. Rude and Late

But, Drumpf claims, “it’s okay because I’m a gracious guy.” (8/5)

Drumpf displays the fake photo that proves the viral photo of the Queen left waiting is fake

New Tax Cut Announced

And you won’t get a dime. (8/1)

Drumpf Praises His Writing Prowess

”Wright like a butterfly, STING with a Tweet.” (7/30)

This sample of Drumpf’s writing was found on a bathroom wall.

Monuments Are Good For Coal

And gas, oil, logging, paving, shopping malls, but not people. (7/29)

Tourists will pay $100 a day at the new Yellowstone to cap the geysers that interfere with commercial mining.

Drumpf Cheers VFW

”We going to war and you’ll get a second chance.” (7/29)

”He’s Definitely Grover Dill”

Exclusive Helsinki interview with two world leaders (7/26)

Vladimir Putin creeps the President with a “dildoll” during the summit press conference.

Pruitt Replaces Coats in Last Minute Deal

”No one wants smart types making decisions in my White House.” 7/22/18

45 Comes Clean on Putin Deal

Axis of Justice will police future elections and nuclear weapons. 7/19/18
(with video)

45 Caves to Putin’s Wishes

“He’s the father I never had” 7/17/18

45 Fluffs for Queen

The gaff was expected. Blaming her for it “typical” 7/14/18

Haven Announces New POTUS Policy

President’s name to be given respect it deserves. 7/14/18

German Chancellor Vörzgert Drumpfkop, 45’s great great uncle, railed against Austrian immigrants, schwartzers and uppity women.

Dueling Standards Create Surreality TV

Strzok testimony sparks brawl in committee chambers. 7/13/18

New White House Seal Unveiled

Symbolizes war and more war. 7/12/18

Child Separations to Double

Rich Families Beg White House to Take Their Kids. 7/10/18

POTUS Proves Birther Claims

Iranian citizen Obama opens doors to terrorist flood. 7/4/18

Kim’s Keeping Every Promise

Nuclear launch capabilities are fake news. 7/2/18


Loans Kennedy money that he borrowed from Justice’s son. 7/1/2018

Confirmed 7/10/18

Sanders Museum Opens to Visitors

New museum documents hatred and bias by liberals. 7/1/18

POTUS Appoints Clone Justice

GOP sandbags Democrats with surprise vote. 6/27/18

POTUS meets with newest Justice Mini T shortly after his unanimous confirmation.

POTUS Trashes Campaign Donor

’s letter. (This trick is called “burying the lede.”). 6/26/18

Wardrobe Change at White House

Not to be outdone by wife, President unveils new jacket. 6/25/18

Kim Joins Leadership Support Group

POTUS’ 3-Step Self-Esteem Program gains traction. 6/22/2018

POTUS Hands Off Mess to Nation

Tells Americans, ”I shit in your bed. You lie in it.” 6/21/18.

Baby Jesus Jailed

Son of God seized at border by I.C.E. Agents. 6/19/18.

No “Cult of Trump”

POTUS denies claim during Guided Rage session. 6/15/18

”Suffer the law to kidnap your children.”

Sessions & Sanders: Read your Bibles, motherf**ckers. It’s there. 6/14/18

Summit Ends With Killer Fireworks

Summit ratings eclipse the short list of terms. 6/12/18

Canada’s House of Parliament destroyed after snafu between US and North Korea at the summit.

Kim Lures President With Shiny Toys

POTUS’ relationship with world leaders a 10. Kim? 11. 6/12/18

G6 Members Convene in Canada

POTUS shows up claiming, “Never saw the memo.” 6/7/18

Melaniabot to the Rescue

White House appropriates Disney animatronic character. 6/7/18

Disney World lab technician working on the Melania bot before her mysterious disappearance. (Ex Machina)

Sanders Challenged by New Role

No longer to answer questions from pushy reporters. 6/5/18

POTUS Endorses Pedophile Candidate

Era of political correctness must end today. 6/5/18

Pence Out, Pruitt In

President needs “good guys” who “break laws to make laws”. 6/4/18

Dirty Harry Jailed for “Corrupt Justice”

Go ahead, take my day. 6/1/18

President dumps First Lady for Rosanne

Considers his “whatever I have for a soul”mate for 2020 Ticket. 5/30/18

POTUS and Rosanne relax in the new Oval Office pull-out bed.

Children Aren’t Lost. They’re Fugitives

President claims Immigration is “hunting future rapists now.” 5/30/18

President Shares Own Heroic Service

Total recall of personal valor at Memorial service. 5/28/18

God imposes POTUS Sabbath

”We need at least one day away from his shit.” 5/27/18

White House Knew Summit Was “Iffy”

To prove it they minted a gold commemorative coin. 5/25/18

POTUS withdraws from 1947 Peace Accord

“If we sign a deal in Paris, you know it’s a bad deal” 5/23/18

Federal Support for Cops On Its Way

POTUS promises to restructure local policing. 5/22/18

POTUS launches 200 Nukes on N. Korea

Only learns after the fact that his football was a fake. 5/21/18

Tweet Storm Browbeats Royal Couple

President vents his rage after exclusion from ceremony. 5/20/18

First Lady Gets Vacation From Hubby

“No parties in Oval Office running nonstop in her absence” 5/17/18

GOP Leaders Roll Over

Alpha dog barks and Congressmen whimper. 5/15/18

POTUS Supporters Love This Swamp

“As long as it’s our swamp, we’re for ‘im.” 5/15/18

President Launches Comedy Tour

“Torture Works” tour will feature promising aides. 5/14/18

Meanwhile, on the Trail of Tears…

Trumpxhaustion” added to dictionary

Condition joins “Covfefe” in White House linguistic canon. 5/12/18

These three women later collapsed from Trumpxhaustion (Gage Skidmore)

POTUS Pisses on Iran Agreement

”When they see my deal they’ll beg to sign.” 5/9/18

Space Force Cadets Need Huge Space Balls

Women have globes, but in wrong place for new armed service. 5/6/18

POTUS Tirades Suck Oxygen From Earth

Spurious slams on Tester’s “spurious claims” accelerate trend. 5/2/18

White Guys Furious at POTUS

”Why aren’t our job numbers the best in history?” 5/1/18

Pardon Storm Follows Tweet Storm

Felons pardoned all the way back to Caesar assassination. 4/29/18

A clip from a little known episode of Fat Albert and Friends in which businessman Donald Trump explains the facts of life to Cosby.

Trump Backs His Man Jackson

Told aids privately, “he should’ve gone a lot further.” 4/25/18

US Proposes Trade for Macron

Congressmen agree, “That’s the guy we want for President” 4/25/18

Trump Backs His Man Jackson

Told aids privately, “he should’ve gone a lot further” 4/25/18

President Promises to Scuttle Treaties

I’ll listen to Macron’s concerns and then ignore him. 4/24/18

French President Emmanuel Macron explains to an awestruck President that a cloud is “God smiling on them.”

POTUS’ Secret Society Ties Revealed

President welcomed and promptly dismissed for violating rules. 4/23/18

The President reenacting top secret rites in public. Tagging the building with his logo didn’t improve his secret society standing.

President Morphs Into Couch Potato

“Change was startling, but far from a surprise.” 4/19/18

Nikky Haley Blamed for POTUS’ Screwup

Government spent 3 billion on sacrificial buses in 2017. 4/18/18

President Charts Five New Courses

All of them during one conversation with Japanese Leader. 4/18/18

Smoking Gun (and Shells) Uncovered

President’s links to Russia traced to childhood crush. 4/17/18

POTUS Aims Big Guns at Comey

Posts “Sexis of Evil” Video in Tweet. 4/16/18

Jesus Says: “Stop Teasing Donald”

The golden rule was meant for you, not him. 4/15/18

Presidential Pillow Talk Caught on Tape

POTUS and Putin discuss their Syrian Strategies. 4/14/18

POTUS Tweets “Missiles Coming”

“We’ll reign fire and fury” (with Putin’s support) 4/11/18

POTUS prepares reporters for the top secret missile strike on Shayrat Airbase at 2300 Thursday. Putin admits, “He’s his own man”.

Calendar Notes Illuminate POTUS’ Mind

Reveal innermost thoughts on Presidential priorities. 4/11/18

POTUS punishes Putin for Syria

He’ll pay heaviest price ever in history of prices paid. 4/9/18

“We Were Warned,” Teachers, Cops Confess

Officials saw signs but allowed Donald to be elected anyways. 4/9/18

A look inside POTUS’ file from the New York Military Academy. The White House tried to deny access for “national security” reasons.

US Invades Mexico

”They won’t be illegals if we annex their country.” 4/6/18

POTUS sells stalled economy

”Kiss the economy goodbye for a pot of gold.” 4/5/18

Larry Kudlow, aka Pruneface, rocks out for audience during the Pot O’ Gold tour. Audience members received a gold colored plated dung chip.

White House Delivers Dozens of Headlines

More stories in 3 minutes than New York Times has pages to print. 4/4/18

Scott Pruitt Earns Promotion

“We have your back,” says grateful President. 4/4/18

Scott Pruitt promotes the EPA rollbacks that will “make American businesses competitive for the first time since Eisenhower.”

President Amends Calendar

No more fools on allowed on Lord’s Day. 4/3/18

FOX News analysts cover the President’s decision to separate April Fools’ Day from Easter.

Pence Pet rabbit Savagely Attacks Child

Pence says “child was queer” and bunny saved family. 4/1/18

Pence pet rabbit Marlon Bundo gnawing on the remains of a child he attacked at the White House egg roll

Trump Tackles Amazon

No one gets to be richer than me. 3/30/18
The President declared war on Amazon Chairman Jeff Bezos immediately after learning Bezos bested him in every possible measure.

White House Declares Morals Don’t Matter

”Give people what they want and they’ll give you a free pass.” 3/28/18

POTUS Locks Down Future Budgets

”In our minds I vetoed this bill.” 3/24/18

Taking over for Sara Huckabee Sanders, the President explains why he signed the new spending bill without signing it. (VOA News)

45 Congratulates Putin for Crooked Win

Promises to plan 2020 election with Russian Monarch. 3/22/18

White House: Russians Are Our Friends

Didn’t interfere with elections, they helped Americans choose. 3/20/18

No Irish Luck for White House Staff?

POTUS clings to his pots of gold. 3/18/18

House Committee Wins Dissembler Award

“Don’t worry America, it was just a bad dream.” 3/17/18

President Once Again Claims Heroism

Says bridge collapse proves shooting was Florida’s fault. 3/16/18

How Do You Spell “Purge”

POTUS disappears staff, makes Putin look “up for grabs.” 3/14/18

President Promotes New Currency

Trumpcash backed by “good as gold” personal voucher. 3/13/18

POTUS Says He’ll Pull ICE from California

California replies, “Welcome Dreamers, you have a home” (with video) 3/12/18

If POTUS makes good on his threat to yank ICE from California, Dreamers will be able to relocate and live without fear of deportation.

President Sues Plush Bear

DOJ ordered to investigate violations of “personal brand.” 3/11/18

POTUS denies White House in Chaos

“There is no chaos on great energy” of a Category 5 hurricane 3/10/18

Lost Dr. Suess Work Uncovered

The Terrible Trump the darkest of any Seuss book. 3/7/18

The finished cover showing the Trump dumping on heroine Hillary Pillory.

Trump Furious That Kim Might Cooperate

”Need to make room for the new nukes I’m buying.” 3/7/18

White House Issues New Threat Assessment Chart

Americans needs to know where the real threats are. 3/6/18

President Unravels Newest Conspiracy

Or perhaps he just unravels. With POTUS, we’re never sure. 3/2/18

The Donald and the Snake

A cautionary tale of politics and perception. 2/24/18

President Blames Poor Olympic Showing on Muller

”We’d have seven times the medals if it weren’t for witch hunt.” 2/20/18

13 Russians Sing in Unison

“The fat guy on couch was POTUS.” 2/18/18

Blames FBI for Florida Shootings

Jumps rails, plows through 12 states before crashing into Pacific. 2/17/18

White House Wives Counterpunch Press

Tell-all book on romancing assholes tops self-help charts. 2/16/18

President: “Fight Guns With Guns”

History will teach us how to stop mass shootings. 2/16/18

White House Issues “Good Guys Too” List

Huckabee Sanders rushed to hospital after announcement, 2/15/18

White House Launches Grate Again Pilot

Another campaign promise in the bag with MAGA initiative. 2/14/18

Coal miners display the cheese plates they learned to grate in the new “Grate Again” work training program.

President proposes infrastructure bill

“America needs more luxury hotels.” 2/13/18

Alien Message Prompts NASA Closure

”No visitors allowed from your shit hole world” 2/11/18

POTUS Furious He Can’t See Olympics Live

Picky distractions keep him from the real action. 2/8/2018

POTUS: Tax Plan Won Super Bowl

As usual, the Eagle’s victory is all about him. 2/5/2018

Bullying Embraced as Normal Behavior

Bullies call it ‘civics lesson;’ victims call it painful. 2/3/2018

POTUS Declares Year of Confederate Celebration

“National Civil War Month” to be celebrated for entirety of 2018. 2/2/2018

New Gospel Unearthed in Monastery

Gospel of Donald confirms Presidential Values 1/31/18

President Replaces FBI Deputy

General Mike Flynn Returns to Executive Staff 1/30/18

SOTU Promises Radical New Directions

President outlines bold new plan for America’s future 1/30/18

President Furious to Learn of DACA Pets

First the Dreamers, now this? 1/27/18

President Dangles DACA Once Again

Dreamers back on the trading table. Until they aren’t. 1/26/18

President feels “pretty” for new year

Finds new self while rummaging through closet. 1/25/18

Government Closes: President Touts Hat

”Dems won’t wear this hat, so you should” 1/23/18

White House Releases Top 10 2017 Stories

Fighting Fake Press with Best News in News History 1/22/18

Video capture image of Michael Wolf’s take down as he tries to escape with top secret information collected from interviews. One of the White House’s top three fake news censored stories for 2017. (Alaskan Coast Guard)

President Takes Break After Shut Down

Headed to Florida for “grabbing and golf” 1/21/18

President’s Doctor: “He Has No Heart”

Pressed by media, physician Jackson reveals the dirty truth 1/19/18

Photo of the lump of coal removed from the President’s chest cavity during his physical exam. (Eduardo Cervantes)

International Mathematical Union Kills 45

“We’d rather lose the President,” IMU leader admits 1/15/18

The IMU removed 45 from the number line in response to President’s anti-science policies. (Michael Vadon)

President furious with Korean’s Obama Tweet

Tells staff “more heart-warming stories about me” 1/17/18

President Creates Dual MLK Holidays

”Confederate Heroes need remembering too” 1/15/18

White House Redraws World Map

Reduces world to Three Countries for “Simplicity” 1/14/18

The President’s new world map containing three countries (and US). (Pixabay)

President Swept to “Lavish Resort”

Lab coats and gurney suggest he wasn’t asked 1/13/18

Nominations Open for Presidential Nicknames

The President’s reputation for creative nicknames now exceeds his ego, which is difficult to do. Even Jake Tapper called attention to his… 1/12/18

President forges DACA compromise

Dreamers and Democrats get nothing. He wins. 1/10/18

Secret of President’s Success Revealed

It’s so because he says so 1/9/18

The President’s remarkable successes stem from his ability to visualize facts the rest of us can’t see. (Stilfehler)

Trump Talks Trade With Prince Harry

“I’ll up the ante until the little prince caves in” 1/8/18

President’s Birth Certificate Fraudulent

Newly released documents add to disastrous week 1/7/18

President Publishes Tell All News Book

Lays bare the media’s “dark, lying heart” 1/5/18

After the President claimed Wolff never had permission to visit, the author produced these documents.AThe display banner shipped to bookstores and posted on the Internet promoting the President’s new tell all book about author Michael Wolff. (Gage Skidmore)

South and North Korea Team Up

President sidelines America as former allies move on 1/4/18

President Launches Button Measuring War

Get your rulers out boys, the battle’s on 1/3/18

Sketch the President commissioned from his Communications Office (possibly replaying the movie in his head). (All image elements courtesy of Pixabay)

President Fumes in Football’s Shadow

Insists he’s more popular than college football (meant to be published 1/2/18)

President Schedules Climate Rally on New Year’s Eve

”Coldest day on record proves we chose wisely” 12/31/17

President won’t share stage with Robama

Animatronic exhibit walks off stage in jealous rage

Animatronic President creeps Robama. Audiences members thought it resembled his debate against Clinton.

More Stories

The original promo poster featuring the movie’s cast of unknowns.
Julius Caesar‘s’ last words: “At least I wasn’t treated as bad as they’ll treat Donald Trump.”
The President speaks at Civil Rights Museum opening wearing a robe “gifted him by good Southern people.” (Gage Skidmore)
This image of guns surrounding the capitol is just one of the red (or white) flags that brought the new GOP ad under fire. (Horst Frank)



Phillip T Stephens
Phillip T Stephens

Written by Phillip T Stephens

Living metaphor. Follow me @stephens_pt.

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