Phillip T Stephens
Phillip T Stephens
Phillip T Stephens

Phillip T Stephens


8 stories

Phillip T Stephens

Phillip T Stephens


22 stories

Phillip T Stephens

Phillip T Stephens


4 stories

Phillip T Stephens

Phillip T Stephens

Cognition & Perception

2 stories

Phillip T Stephens

Phillip T Stephens


2 stories

Phillip T Stephens

Phillip T Stephens


1 story

Black and white photograph of 14 men in Union uniforms standing outside a tent. Most carry drums, some carry fifes. The man standing front and center holds a sword in front of him with the point on the ground. Two of the drummers appear to be black; the remainder of the men appear to be white.
Phillip T Stephens

Phillip T Stephens


1 story